Guided by intuition, my inner gifts, and the knowledge I have gained throughout my professional career, I create a better forever.
I focus on making a positive impact on both the economy (outer ecosystem) and the inner cycle (inner ecosystem) for true sustainability. Through yoga lessons, somatic movement, and vision work, I foster positive internal transformation. Through 1:1 coaching sessions and business consulting, empower the self-employed, start-ups, and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to change.
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Movement - Events
- Mehrere TermineDi., 18. Feb.AldransEntspannung und Lebensfreude durch Somatic Dance: Ein Tanzangebot für alle! Egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener, hier zählt das Erleben. Lass dich von coolen, beschwingten Beats mitreißen und entdecke die Freude an der Bewegung.
I love to explore and foresee the future, delving into concepts such as eco-humanism and regenerative leadership. I am deeply rooted in the wisdom of my body and earth spirituality.

Move your body, mind, and life from the inside out. Discover the transformative path with me, an Awareness Coach & Impro Dance Teacher. My aim is to connect you to nature and your true nature. Book a course, group session, or 1:1 coaching today.

True Passion
Let's talk about the alchemy of your brand and yourself! As a Business Consultant specializing in Marketing and Product Management, I, along with my fellow consultants, am here to help. Contact me to explore creative strategies for your business success.

We are the climate of change. I am a passionate visionary driving the transformation of societal values. Join me in creating a future where our shared values inspire and lead us to a better world. Together, we will build resilience and adaptability, enabling us to thrive in an ever-changing world.
These artworks below are also the announcement of an amazing project of Katarina Lajcakova, artist and face behind Wildmedesigns and Daniela Hochmuth, business strategist and visionary coach.
What connects us and our journeys?
NATURE. And finding our inner well in RETREAT BACK TO NATURE.
Let‘s set together on a journey to TRAVEL TO YOUR INNER WELL.

Curious to learn more about the meaning of my logo?

Let's start dancing with life.