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Awarness Coach

I am Daniela Hochmuth, your trusted guide, unlocking your inner well. My unique offerings include Meditation & Yoga, Somatic Movement, Ecstatic Dance Experience, Creative Workshops, and 1:1 Coaching. Together, we create personal transformation, holistic well-being, and self-awareness.

Embark on a transformative journey with my experienced network of freelancers, featuring professional musicians and sound healers like "Verena Pötzl," integral coaches like "Steffen Nienhaus," dancers and movement coaches such as "Verena Wohlrab. & Anja Obermaier. Together, we'll unleash the power of positive change from the inside out, helping to tap into your personal awareness and unlock your full potential.

Mediation and Yoga 

I offer meditation with a focus on breathwork and imagination. Aswell Vinyasa Flow & Somatic Yoga, focusing on the basics and on the feeling body. With the mantra "the more you relax, the more you feel," I conduct classes in hotels like "Krumers Alpin - Your Mountain Oasis", in parks like "Bewegt im Park", or private sessions.


Somatic Movement and Ecstatic Dance

My Somatic Movement Warm-Up is designed to prepare the body and mind for the Ecstatic Dance Experience. I am part of several collectives, such as "Tanz der Elemente" and "Ecstatic Dance Innsbruck". With the mantra "where attention goes, energy flows," I'm open for event and festival bookings.

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1:1 Movement and Creative Coaching

My 1:1 Movement and Creative Coaching invites you to pause, feel, and move from the inside out. With the mantra "where your breath goes, your energy flows," I strive to unlock your creativity and help you reach your full potential. Let me take you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. Together, we'll unleash your inner power.

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